Why data archiving software is the need of the hour? 

data archiving software


Nowadays, organisations have more access to large volumes of data than in previous decades. This data helps in laying the groundwork for important business decisions. However, it is crucial to handle this massive amount of data while making the necessary investments in robust data archiving solutions, in order to ensure that the business workforce gets the necessary information for effective decision-making. Such solutions when coupled with automation hits the ball out of the park, making it much more effective and effortless for organisations to manage their data. 

A quick overview of data management

Data is ever-expanding and has only multiplied throughout the years and will continue to increase at an exponential rate. As a result, managing this constantly expanding data is of the utmost importance

To put it simply, data management is the practice of collecting, arranging, protecting, and storing organisational data so that it may be analysed and utilised further to help make critical business decisions. Every business operation revolves around data, but if it is left unchecked, it becomes unsustainable. As a result. effective and long-term strategy, governance, and data archiving software are essential for organisations.

Data archiving: Synopsis and importance

Only a small percentage of the massive volumes of data produced by businesses are still useful. Moreover, faster reaction times are essential for a successful business in the current economic environment. As a result, removing irrelevant data is crucial as it might cause performance issues in the ERP system. 

Data archiving is an intelligent approach to manage data expansion, optimise system performance, and ensure effective use of database resources. It aids businesses in finding a balance between holding onto significant historical data and upholding a lean and highly effective IT architecture.

With data archiving software, entire data and documents that are no longer needed for regular system operations may be archived. The data is deleted from the database during the delete phase and is thereafter saved in “archive files” with read-only access. This is carried out to ensure that future access to the data is possible. Furthermore, data archiving solutions provide a safe procedure that allows data to be stored and retained for an extended period of time. It offers secured spaces for keeping vital information that can be viewed as and when needed. This data is kept available while maintaining its integrity protection once it has been archived in the management system. 

It is important to take into account that SAP S/4HANA relies heavily on conventional data archiving to control the size and expansion of the HANA database. Professionals in data archiving suggest that data archiving software streamlines the data migration to S/4HANA by reducing complications in data transformation and transfer.

Advantages of data archiving

Data Archiving ensures that organisations maintain compliance and have access to vital information when needed, while also increasing system efficiency and safeguarding valuable historical data. Through the smooth handling of data fluctuations, data archiving solutions play a crucial role in supporting a data management strategy that is both efficient and robust.

Some of the major advantages include-

Reduced storage requirements

The substantial decrease in data storage needs is one of the immediate benefits of SAP data archiving. With data archiving software, organisations can save storage expenses and reserve critical database storage space by deleting inactive data. For organisations that have already made the switch to SAP S/4HANA, this is especially important. Keeping the database size under control is strongly recommended as HANA memory can be quite expensive.

Improved system performance and reaction times

Reaction times and overall system performance significantly increase when the amount of data in the system is reduced by archiving. Data processing and retrieval speed also increases, creating a more responsive and flexible SAP environment. In the case of a cyberattack, reducing data quantities expedites data recovery, therefore enhancing cyber resilience. This is especially important for businesses with complex procedures and huge databases.

Higher system availability

Frequent data archiving reduces downtime during releases and upgrades, which enhances system availability. This process minimises the possibility of disrupting ongoing activities by allowing more seamless transitions between various SAP versions. This plays a critical role in ensuring company continuity and providing high-quality service delivery. 

Reduced migration times

There is no doubt that the migration times increase with the amount of data. Shorter migration times can be achieved by using data archiving software when moving data to SAP S/4HANA or a new ERP system. A lighter system can be beneficial because data migrations to the cloud often occur in quite a short time.

Enhanced sustainability

The benefits of data archiving in SAP for the environment are noteworthy but sometimes disregarded. With data archiving solutions, organisations indirectly reduce their carbon footprint by lowering the requirement for large database storage. The formula is simple- storing less data results in energy savings and a more environment-friendly approach to managing data.

Need for data archiving software

Organisations get access to an improved, next-generation ERP system with SAP S/4HANA, further simplifying their business operations. However, it is crucial to ensure that the time and expense of the S/4HANA migration are reduced by getting rid of outdated data, which may be archived by following data retention guidelines. Even though companies will undoubtedly profit from the newest ERP system and HANA memory, having a suitable data management strategy is essential to ensuring lower TCOs and seamless data compliance.

This is where data archiving software plays a huge role. It saves time and reduces the risk of non-compliance, making it one of the best methods for controlling the long-term ownership costs of the S/4HANA migration. By saving money on storage, maintenance, and software licencing, it results in overall financial gains. Opting for data archiving solutions not only saves money but also ensures the security of stored data. By locking down organisational data, archiving prevents it from being accessed by other applications. Moreover, maintaining long-term data retention requirements for audit compliance can be achieved in a very safe and secure manner. Data that has been archived is safe, inaccessible to hackers and can be automatically stored or retained for the duration of any legal obligation. 

Final note

Routine data archiving is not just a standard IT procedure; it is an essential practice for organisations that want to remain flexible and environmentally responsible. Data archiving software offers several advantages, such as lower costs, better performance, seamless compliance, and enhanced sustainability. Additionally, data archiving solutions reduce the cost, time, and effort required for cloud migration. 

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