How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube: A Comprehensive 8-Step Guide

how to solve a Rubik's Cube

The Rubik’s Cube, a seemingly simple puzzle of colors, has puzzled and fascinated users since its creation. Learning how to solve a Rubik’s Cube can be a rewarding experience that not only improves spatial and visual reasoning but also enhances problem-solving skills. This comprehensive 8-step guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you understand each stage of the solution.

Understanding the Rubik’s Cube

Before diving into the steps, it’s crucial to understand the structure of the Rubik’s Cube. The cube consists of three types of pieces:

  • Centers: Fixed pieces that show the color of each face when solved.
  • Edges: Pieces with two colors.
  • Corners: Pieces with three colors.

The aim is to get all colors on each side of the cube to be uniform, using a series of turns and algorithms.

Step 1: The White Cross

Start by forming a cross on the white face of the cube. This involves positioning the white edge pieces so they line up not only on their white sides but also with the center pieces of the adjacent colors.

  • Tip: Focus on the edges first without worrying about the corners.

Step 2: Solving the White Corners

Next, solve the white corners. This step involves placing the white corner pieces between the edge pieces you positioned in the first step. Each corner should match the color of the adjacent center pieces.

  • Tip: Use the right-hand algorithm (R’ D’ R D) to position the corners correctly.

Step 3: The Middle Layer Edges

Once the white face is complete and all corner pieces are aligned with the center colors, the next step is to position the middle layer edges. This involves moving the edges to their correct positions without disrupting the already solved white face.

  • Tip: Employ the edge swapping algorithm (U R U’ R’ U’ F’ U F) to swap the middle edge pieces.

Step 4: The Yellow Cross

Turn the cube over so the unsolved yellow face is now on top. This step involves creating a yellow cross on the top of the cube. The exact sequence depends on the pattern of the yellow pieces you see.

  • Tip: If there is no yellow edge in the correct place, use the F R U R’ U’ F’ algorithm to form the cross.

Step 5: Solving the Yellow Edges

With the cross in place, the next step is to align the yellow edges with the side colors. This may require swapping edge pieces around the yellow center.

  • Tip: Use the edge rotation algorithm (R U R’ U R U2 R’) to move the edges into the correct orientation.

Step 6: Positioning the Yellow Corners

Position the yellow corners so that the colors of the corner pieces match the side centers. This doesn’t involve solving the corners completely but setting them up for the final moves.

  • Tip: Use the corner swapping algorithm (U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L) to get the corners into the right position.

Step 7: Orienting the Yellow Corners

Now, orient the yellow corners so that the yellow stickers are on top. This step completes the yellow face.

  • Tip: Apply the corner orientation algorithm (R’ D’ R D) repeatedly until each corner is correctly oriented.

Step 8: Finishing the Cube

The final step is to position the corners and edges of the last layer. This might require a few turns and additional uses of the previous algorithms, but following the same principles will bring the entire cube to a solved state.


Learning how to solve a Rubik’s Cube is a process that might seem complex at first but becomes more intuitive with practice. This guide has outlined a systematic approach to tackling the cube, ensuring that each step builds on the previous one. Remember, the key to success is patience and practice. Once you master these steps, you’ll not only have the satisfaction of solving one of the world’s most popular puzzles but also the skills that can help in other problem-solving tasks. Happy cubing!

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